Rev. Joshua Scheid

Pastor Joshua and Kathryn have three daughters, Miriam, Lydia, and Abigail. Joshua loves coffee and board games, ice cream and sports. But he loves even more to see the transforming work of Jesus in lives and communities, and his ministry passions include refreshed practices of discipleship and sacramental worship, as well as reflecting on the connection between church and culture.

Joshua grew up in the small town of Oostburg, Wisconsin, on the western shore of Lake Michigan. He began to follow Christ at a young age, but always had many goals in life and never imagined that he was called to be a pastor. Pursuing his other interests, he earned a business degree from the University of Connecticut in 2008 and moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, to work for Deloitte. While living there he met and married Kathryn. After working for a couple of years Joshua discerned that he could no longer delay God’s call to ministry, so he began seminary at Western Theological Seminary, where he graduated in 2013 with a Master of Divinity degree. Joshua was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America in 2014 and began ministry at Massapequa Reformed Church at that time. Before coming to Massapequa, Joshua held ministry internships at churches in Wisconsin, Michigan, and California. In addition to his primary calling at MRC, Joshua serves as the stated clerk of Nassau-Suffolk Classis (the regional group of RCA churches on Long Island), and he has served denominationally on the RCA’s Commission on Church Order. In 2023, Joshua was elected as vice president of the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America.