Worshiping on Zoom due to the coronavirus pandemic, Pastor Joshua shares a message from Matthew 8:23-27: “Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy”
Worshiping on Zoom due to the coronavirus pandemic, Pastor Joshua shares a message from Matthew 8:23-27: “Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy”
Luke 11:1-13 Jesus prayed with passion. The disciples learned to pray with passion. Could we all learn? Lord, teach us to pray. [imic_button colour="btn-success" type="enabled" link="https://mrcli-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/info_mrcli_onmicrosoft_com/EbkPP26G6XRJl_NLHA3iSXABChb8NzhMMkY2EnY-PxvaOQ?e=RLFBGL" target="_self" extraclass=""]Message Notes[/imic_button] (If…