Worshiping on Zoom due to the coronavirus pandemic, we continued our sermon series, Forward Living. Pastor Joshua shares a message from Romans 12:9-21 with a call to “be devoted to one another in love, honoring one another ahead of yourselves.”
Worshiping on Zoom due to the coronavirus pandemic, we continued our sermon series, Forward Living. Pastor Joshua shares a message from Romans 12:9-21 with a call to “be devoted to one another in love, honoring one another ahead of yourselves.”
Luke 11:1-13 Jesus prayed with passion. The disciples learned to pray with passion. Could we all learn? Lord, teach us to pray. [imic_button colour="btn-success" type="enabled" link="https://mrcli-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/info_mrcli_onmicrosoft_com/EbkPP26G6XRJl_NLHA3iSXABChb8NzhMMkY2EnY-PxvaOQ?e=RLFBGL" target="_self" extraclass=""]Message Notes[/imic_button] (If…