Our guest, Daniel Buttafuoco will be with us to share the five reasons why the Bible is the most important book you will ever read.
Our guest, Daniel Buttafuoco will be with us to share the five reasons why the Bible is the most important book you will ever read.
Luke 11:1-13 Jesus prayed with passion. The disciples learned to pray with passion. Could we all learn? Lord, teach us to pray. [imic_button colour="btn-success" type="enabled" link="https://mrcli-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/info_mrcli_onmicrosoft_com/EbkPP26G6XRJl_NLHA3iSXABChb8NzhMMkY2EnY-PxvaOQ?e=RLFBGL" target="_self" extraclass=""]Message Notes[/imic_button] (If…