Today we continue our sermon series, Acts: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most. Pastor Joshua delivers the message “To Judea & Samaria; To Nassau & Suffolk” from scripture passage Acts 8:1-25.
Today we continue our sermon series, Acts: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most. Pastor Joshua delivers the message “Lessons in Living Like Jesus, II” from scripture passage Acts 6:8-7:60.
Today we return to our ACTS: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most series. Pastor Joshua brings us the message Stephen: Lessons in Living Like Jesus from scripture passage Acts 6:8-7:60.
Today we continue our summer series Joshua: Courageous Faith in the God of Promise. Pastor Joshua brings us the message “Walls Tumbling Down” from scripture passage Joshua 6:1-7.
Today we continue our summer series Joshua: Courageous Faith in the God of Promise. Pastor Joshua brings us the message “Christ For Us” from scripture passage Joshua 5:10-15.
Today we continue our summer series Joshua: Courageous Faith in the God of Promise. Pastor Joshua brings us the message “Magnify the Lord” from scripture passage Joshua 4.
Today we continue our summer series Joshua: Courageous Faith in the God of Promise. Pastor Joshua brings us the message “Move When God Moves” from scripture passage Joshua 3:1-11.
Today we continue our summer series Joshua: Courageous Faith in the God of Promise. Pastor Joshua brings us the message “Jesus Hiding in a Scarlet Cord” from scripture passage Joshua 2:1-24.
Today Pastor Joshua brings us the message “Be Strong and Courageous” from Joshua 1:1-9 in our sermon series Courageous Faith in the God of Promise