Pastor Joshua continues our Advent series, The Fullness of Christ, with the message “Keeping Spirits Bright and the Body Strong” from scripture passage Ephesians 4:17-32.
Pastor Joshua continues our Advent series, The Fullness of Christ, with the message “Love Holds It Together” from scripture passage Ephesians 4:11-16.
Our Advent series, The Fullness of Christ, begins today. Pastor Joshua brings us the message “Unity: Unopened Gifts” from scripture passage Ephesians 4:1-13.
Today we continue our sermon series, Acts: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most. Pastor Joshua delivers the message “A Tale of Two Kings” from scripture passage Acts 12:19-25.
Today we continue our sermon series, Acts: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most. Pastor Joshua delivers the message “Earnest Prayer” from scripture passage Acts 12:1-18.
Today we continue our sermon series, Acts: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most. Pastor Joshua delivers the message “Everyone According to Ability” from scripture passage Acts 11:19-30.
Today we continue our sermon series, Acts: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most. Pastor Joshua delivers the message “Repentance that Leads to Life” from scripture passage Acts 11:1-18.
Today we continue our sermon series, Acts: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most. Pastor Joshua delivers the message “Baptized Into Christ” from scripture passage Acts 10:34-48.
Today we continue our sermon series, Acts: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most. Pastor Joshua delivers the message “Chosen For God’s Grace” from scripture passage Acts 9:1-31.
Today we continue our sermon series, Acts: From the Upper Room to the Utter Most. Pastor Joshua delivers the message “Peter & the Ethiopian Eunuch” from scripture passage Acts 8:26-40.